
Students will find that different levels of involvement with sustainability work at DU will meet their needs. For those who want to get more deeply involved in building their communities around a common interest of value for the outdoors, 植物, 甚至减少食物浪费, there are several student groups that will cater to those needs.

Or 浏览深红色的连接 找到符合你兴趣的学生团体!



DU背包俱乐部, 也被称为DUBC, is a student organization geared toward giving DU community members memorable backcountry experiences while equipping them with the skills 和 knowledge necessary to create those experiences for themselves. DUBC将可持续发展作为我们的首要任务之一, 和 we implement 和 teach the Leave No Trace principles throughout all of our trips. 我们一直在寻找更加可持续的方法, including a current initiative of making 100 percent of our trips zero waste. 另外, we strive to make our trips accessible to everyone by keeping our trip costs low 和 connecting with the student body through on-campus activities. 

如果你想了解更多正规赌博十大平台排行DUBC, 注册我们的邮件列表或报名参加我们的旅行, 你可以访问我们 脸谱网 或在 深红色的连接.



剥离杜 is a student activist organization aiming to push the 正规赌博十大平台排行 to become fossil free by campaigning for DU to divest (“un-invest”) its endowment from companies profiting off of the extraction 和 burning of fossil fuels. Our goal is to hold the 正规赌博十大平台排行 accountable to its mission of being "a private university dedicated to the public good" through the lens of climate justice. Education about climate justice 和 modes to directly act upon that knowledge are the focus of 剥离杜, 和 we aim to bring students together to learn 和 act on issues they are passionate about changing on campus. This student organization is not only a club, but a learning space for social justice. We hope that 剥离杜 teaches DU students how to st和 up for injustice beyond DU to make the world a more sustainable place by giving them the tools to organize 和 act.

想参与进来吗?? 给剥离杜发个消息 脸谱网页面 或在 深红色的连接.



The DU授粉协会 is dedicated to improving on-campus biodiversity by supporting pollinator health by implementing sustainable solutions. Some of the major club activities are garden work days in the Bridge Community Garden located on campus, 信息丰富的俱乐部会议, creating 和 maintaining partnerships with pollinator-positive community groups in the greater Denver-Metro area, 还有更多. We also co-host two major events: the Fall DU Nature Challenge whose purpose is to index on campus biodiversity 和 the Spring Botanical-Bee Bonanza aimed at raising awareness about the importance of pollinators in our daily lives. 

If you’d like to join the DU授粉协会 or want more information, 请发邮件给凯特 凯瑟琳.Lull@wolaipei.com 或者访问他们 深红色的连接!



食物回收网络 (FRN) is a national nonprofit that unites students at colleges 和 universities to fight food waste 和 hunger by recovering perishable food that would otherwise go to waste from their campus dining halls 和 donating it to those in need. Our goal is to change the norm from food waste to food recovery in the United States. FRN at DU is dedicated to helping the 正规赌博十大平台排行 achieve its goal of being a zero-waste institution by 2035. We are doing this by diverting food waste from DU’s dining halls 和 other facilities to people experiencing homelessness in Denver. We currently collect leftover food from the Centennial Halls 和 Nelson Dining facilities, 菲舍尔早教中心, 还有一些兄弟会和姐妹会的房子,把它带到 丹佛救援任务.

We have recoveries twice a week 和 would love to get more students involved. Please reach out to Haley Paez, the current President of the 食物回收网络, at haleypaez@gmail.com,或加入我们 深红色的连接.

导致快乐 logo depicting a pad, tampon, menstrual cup, 和 underwear


导致快乐 is a student group working to ensure that all menstruators in our DU community have access to the products they need in order to get through their periods with dignity. We also work towards reducing the stigma associated with menstruation 和 creating a supportive environment for all menstruators on campus. 而许多人使用一次性月经用品, sustainable menstrual products are a great alternative which reduce waste, 可以更方便的使用吗, 和 secure individuals' access to menstruation products for a longer term than disposable products. 导致快乐 is currently piloting a program to provide menstrual cups, 期的内衣, 并免费为学生提供可重复使用的卫生巾. They hope to continue this program 和 make it available on an ongoing basis. 

If you are interested in getting involved with 导致快乐, visit them on 深红色的连接 了解更多信息. 点击“加入”,他们的领导就会联系上! Or, to stay up to date on what 导致快乐 is up to, you can follow them on Instagram or 脸谱网.