
除了正规赌博十大平台排行员工手册(“手册”)中规定的政策和程序之外, 特定州附录中列出的信息仅适用于在适用附录所在州工作的正规赌博十大平台排行员工. The state addendum modifies the H和book as set forth below.


In the event of a conflict between the H和book 和 any provision of an applicable Addendum, the conflict will be resolved as follows:


  • 如果学校提供的福利比适用附录中提供的福利更慷慨, 大学将为员工提供更慷慨的福利,除非该福利受到法律(如法律)的限制.g., to residents of or employees working in Colorado).


  • 如果学校的政策或程序为员工提供了比适用附录所规定的更多的保护, 大学更具保护性的政策或程序将适用于大学内部流程, 适用的附录中规定的政策或程序将适用于适用的州或地方机构的外部诉讼.


例如,如果大学 Discrimination 和 Harassment Policy includes more protected statuses than a particular state provides, 大学的歧视和骚扰政策以及平等机会办公室制定的适用程序 & Title IX (EOIX) will apply to a report or complaint filed with EOIX.  For a complaint filed with the state or local civil rights 年龄ncy, the protections afforded under the state Addendum will apply.


员工 questions about the H和book or any applicable Addendum should contact their HR Partner at AskHRPartners@wolaipei.com.




Equal Employment 和 Anti-Discrimination Policy


这只是正规赌博十大平台排行的非歧视声明和歧视与骚扰政策的摘录,州的具体信息包括在斜体中. Please refer to the complete policy for further information.


正规赌博十大平台排行是一个机会均等的雇主,根据成绩和大学的需要做出雇佣决定. Creating an inclusive 和 professional environment where employees feel comfortable, 安全, 和 free from inappropriate 和 disrespectful conduct is one of the University’s core values.


The University of Denver does not discriminate against (in any aspect of employment, 包括招聘和雇佣, 工作任务, 补偿, 晋升机会, 促销活动, 转移, 评价, 好处, 培训, 纪律, 和终止), nor does it tolerate harassment by any person, 包括, 同事, 监事, 还有第三方, on the basis of the following Protected Characteristics: 田纳西州:种族 (包括作为种族文化认同的一部分的头发或作为种族身体特征的头发), 比如编辫子, 锁, 或扭曲), color, 宗教, 信条, 性, 性取向, 性别认同, 祖先, 国家的起源, 年龄, 怀孕, 遗传信息, 残疾(物理, 精神, 或视觉), 如果志愿者救援队的工作人员缺席或上班迟到,因为工作人员在员工报到时间之前应对紧急情况


Information about the 田纳西州 Human Rights Commission can be found at www.tn.政府和人权.html 或者拨打800-251-3589.




在田纳西州, 正规赌博十大平台排行使用联邦E-Verify系统来验证所有新员工的就业授权,而该组织在美国有35名或更多的员工.




The University of Denver encour年龄s all employees to report for jury duty.


The University of Denver provides 田纳西州 employees with 无薪 time off to serve on a jury. While leave to serve on a jury is 无薪, 受豁免的受薪雇员的工资在他们工作的任何一周都不会减少,也不会因陪审义务而错过工作时间.


After receiving a summons for jury duty, 员工必须在合理的情况下尽快提前通知正规赌博十大平台排行. 正规赌博十大平台排行可以在法律允许的范围内要求提供合理的文件证明陪审团义务服务. The University of Denver will not discharge, 纪律, 报复, 强迫, 或以其他方式惩罚因应陪审团义务而缺席司法程序的员工.


If work time remains after any day of jury selection or jury duty, employees must return to work (or log back on to work, if working remotely) for the remainder of their work schedule. 然而, 被传唤履行陪审义务的雇员在上夜班或在通常开庭时间之前工作, 在他们第一天的陪审团服务之前,他们将被允许不上班. 在服务的第一天之后, when the employee’s responsibility for jury duty exceeds three hours during a day, 如果他们上夜班或在通常开庭时间之前工作, 他们也可以在陪审团服务当天的24小时内免除下一个预定的工作时间.




If the University of Denver does not recognize Veterans Day, November 11, as a Holiday, 田纳西州 退伍军人可能会在这一天放假, 无薪, if they provide at least one month’s written notice 和 provide proof-of-service documentation. Leave may be denied if it would impact public health or 安全ty, or if it would cause the Organization significant economic or operational disruption. Salaried exempt employees will not have their pay reduced for taking this leave.




在田纳西州,非免税员工在工作日工作至少6小时,有权并有望获得无薪假期, 休班的, 30分钟的用餐时间. 员工在用餐休息时间将被免除所有职责,并在此期间自由离开场所. Employees may waive their meal break if both they 和 the University of Denver agree in writing. Failure to take full meal breaks is a violation of University of Denver policy, which may subject employees to disciplinary action, possibly 包括 termination of employment.





田纳西州的志愿消防员可能会休假,以应对紧急情况和消防电话. 员工可在回复后12小时内休假或病假,不扣发工资, if they assisted in fighting the fire for more than four hours, 或者如果他们在前一天或晚上在紧急情况下作为志愿消防员工作超过四个小时. If the employee is not entitled to a vacation day or sick leave day, then they may be permitted such time off without pay.


根据这项政策,员工必须提前合理通知正规赌博十大平台排行休假的需要. 正规赌博十大平台排行可以要求学生提供合理的文件,以反映请假的必要性, 包括志愿消防部门主管的书面声明,说明该雇员对紧急情况作出了反应,并说明紧急情况的时间和日期. 正规赌博十大平台排行不会歧视或报复任何根据本政策请假的员工.








根据这项政策,员工必须至少在选举日的前一天中午向正规赌博十大平台排行提供他们需要休假的通知. Time off should be taken at the beginning or end of the employee’s workday, unless otherwise specified by the University of Denver.
