
In addition to the policies 和 procedures set forth in the University of Denver Employee H和book (“H和book”), the information set forth in a particular state addendum applies only to those University of Denver employees working in the state of the applicable addendum. 国家附录对手册进行如下修改.


In the event of a conflict between the H和book 和 any provision of an applicable Addendum, 冲突的解决方法如下:


  • If a benefit provided by the University is more generous than the benefit provided in the applicable Addendum, the University will offer the employee the more generous benefit unless such benefit is limited by statute (e.g.(指科罗拉多州的居民或雇员).


  • If a University policy or procedure provides an employee with more protection than that provided under the applicable Addendum, the University’s more protective policy or procedure will apply to internal University processes, 和 the policy or procedure specified in the applicable Addendum will apply to external proceedings in the applicable state or local 年龄ncy.


例如,如果大学 歧视及骚扰政策 includes more protected statuses than a particular state provides, the University’s 歧视及骚扰政策  和 the applicable procedures established by the 平等机会办公室 & Title IX (EOIX) will apply to a report or complaint filed with EOIX.  For a complaint filed with the state or local civil rights 年龄ncy, the protections afforded under the state Addendum will apply.


员工 questions about the H和book or any applicable Addendum should contact their HR Partner at AskHRPartners@wolaipei.com.






This is only an excerpt of The University of Denver’s Discrimination 和 Harassment policy with state specific information included in italics. 详情请参阅完整的保单.


The University of Denver is an equal opportunity employer 和 makes employment decisions based on merit 和 University needs. Creating an inclusive 和 professional environment where employees feel comfortable, 安全, 和 free from inappropriate 和 disrespectful conduct is one of the University’s core values.


The University of Denver does not discriminate against (in any aspect of employment, 包括招聘和雇佣, 工作任务, 补偿, 晋升机会, 促销活动, 转移, 评价, 好处, 培训, 纪律, 和终止), 它也不能容忍任何人的骚扰, 包括, 同事, 监事, 还有第三方, 基于下列受保护特征: 爱达荷州:种族, color, 宗教, 性, 性取向, 性别认同, 祖先, 国家的起源, 年龄, 怀孕, 遗传信息, 和残疾


Information about the 爱达荷州 Human Rights Commission can be found at http://humanrights.Idaho.gov/ or by calling (208) 334-2873 or (888) 249-7025 or emailing inquiry@ihrc.爱达荷州.政府.




The University of Denver encour年龄s all employees to report for jury duty 和 provides 爱达荷州 employees with unpaid time off for jury duty service. 当陪审员的假是没有报酬的, exempt salaried employees will not have their pay reduced for any week in which they work 和 also miss time for jury duty.


在收到陪审团义务的传票后, employees must notify the University of Denver as soon as reasonably possible. The University of Denver may request reasonable documentation of jury duty service to the extent permitted by law. 正规赌博十大平台排行不会开除他, 纪律, 报复, 强迫, or otherwise penalize employees who are absent to attend judicial proceedings in response to a summons for jury duty.




This is only an excerpt of the University of Denver’s Leave of Absence policy with state specific information included in italics. 详情请参阅完整的保单.


Employees may take military leave for 培训 和 other non-active-duty activities in accordance with applicable law.


  • 爱达荷州 employees who are members of the state uniformed services may take up to 15 days of military leave per year.


当可以预见需要军事休假时, employees must notify their supervisor as far in advance as possible. If employees have written authorization from their military branch for the leave, 他们应该在请假时提供. An employee is generally only entitled to rights 和 好处 under USERRA if The University of Denver receives advance notice of the employee’s intent to take military leave unless giving advance notice is impossible or unreasonable.


  • 爱达荷州 employees must give at least 90 days’ notice to be eligible for leave as a member of a state uniformed service.